
Aquatic tortoises food

We have selected a list of aquatic turtle foods that we personally give to our turtles. These foods can be given in addition to the list of fresh or frozen foods. We advise you to feed them every day for juveniles (with one day of diet per week) and 3 times a week for adults. For more info on the food do not hesitate to consult the books such as The breeding of the aquatic turtles or the various work devoted to the maintenance of the trachemys  and other turtles.

Aquatic turtle food adult Zoomed

Aquatic turtle food adult by Zoomed, for adult turtles of shell lengh 15 cm - 184 gr or 340 gr

Aquatic turtles food - growth formula zoomed

Floating pellet food for aquatic turtle sub adult (5 to 15 cm) - 212 gr or 369 gr

Aquatic turtle food hatchling formula Zoomed

Aquatic turtle food for babies Zoomed 226gr

Pince de nourrissage en Bambou

Stick granulés tortue aquatique adulte 530 gr

Aliment complet pour tortue d'eau

Stick granulés tortue aquatiques bébé 50 gr

Livre L'élevage des tortues aquatiques

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